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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Astronomy Mind Map

Example Graphics

Good Informational Graphics:
The picture seen on the right is an example of good visual informational graphics. It is clear of what the topic is, Oil. It is made clear to the reader, in a color fashion, where the oil travels and where it is produced. I also find this visually interesting, especially given the dull topic.

Poor Informational Graphics:

The picture above is a prime example of poor graphics. Firstly, the topic of the visual is not addressed. Secondly the graphics are not labeled in a way that the reader may grasp what the results are, or what they are for. The style is also very plain and not very eye catching.

Comics as informational tools:
Scott Mcloud is a great example of comics used as informational tools. He has an entire book in comic style, teaching his readers the in's and out's of comics. However, he is not alone in this field, as pictured above, even corporations have adopted this new media. These examples are interacting with the reader, engaging the reader beyond just text.

Baldy Potter and the Sorcerers Globe

I use to believe...but now I know.

How to Make a Best Friend